速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekkin

TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekkin





版本需求:Android 7.0 以上版本



TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekking/Hiking(圖1)-速報App

Checklist for your backpacking gear on treks and hikes. Create and manage a list of items you bring on your backpacking trip and flag packed items to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Additionally, the app allows you to calculate your pack weight for optimizing it.


TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekking/Hiking(圖2)-速報App

CHECKLIST GENERATOR: Automatically create a list of essential gear for your next adventure, based on climate of destination and other properties of your trip

ITEM CATEGORIES: Hiking/Sleeping, Clothing, Cooking, Food/Water/Fuel, Hygiene, Health/Emergency, Documents, Tools, Extras, Preparation

TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekking/Hiking(圖3)-速報App

OPTIONAL ITEMS: Choose from a number of optional items which can be added easily to your checklist

WEIGHT CALCULATOR: Keep track of the weight of your backpack, subdivided into: base weight (loaded backpack without consumables), pack weight (loaded backpack) and total weight (loaded backpack plus items carried outside of backpack)

TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekking/Hiking(圖4)-速報App

SHARE CHECKLISTS: Share checklists with friends, either as view-only image or data link, so your friend can continue the checklist her/himself

MULTIPLE CHECKLISTS: Create an individual list for each destination, or create multiple lists for the same destination to compare different gear setups

TrekPack - Packing Checklist for Trekking/Hiking(圖5)-速報App